Guardian Homes
Our Guardian Home program allows Puppy Lodge breeding dogs to be fostered by loving forever homes while still maintaining status as a breeding dog for a contracted numbers of litters. We are looking for qualified Guardian Homes to love on our pups and support our program. Here is some information on our program and what it entails for us and our guardian homes. To inquire, please filll out our application form.
Perks of Being a Guardian Family
Read through this list to see the perks included for the guardian.
Get a top quality dog for FREE
Get paid every time female has a litter or yearly for male guardians
We handle the breeding and expenses, you treat dog like a normal pet.
Visits at the puppy lodge every time your dog has puppies for snuggles
Guardian Home Responsibilities
There are several responsibilities that our guardian homes agree to when joining the program. You can download the more in-depth descriptions of all of these in our full agreement.
Receive a pick-of-the-litter puppy free of charge.
Provide a forever home to the dog.
Provide basic training
Comply with our nutritional standards
Keep the dog properly groomed to our standards every 6-8 weeks (must be done by a professional groomer)
Financially responsible for routine vet care
Financially responsible for heart worm medication and flea and tick prevention
Provide the dog with proper exercise and socialization
Notify us of planned vacations oe any time where guardian can not fully care for dog.
Give any additional supplements supplied by Breeder.
Stay in communication with Breeder and give Breeder access to dog when requested.
Bring dog to us when needed.

Puppy Lodge Responsibilities
Our main responsibility as the Breeder is to provide each Guardian home with a quality momma dog.
Responsible for all screenings and testing associated with breeding like OFA, Penn-hip, genetics & DNA etc.
Training the puppy up until it joins the guardian home.
Stud Fees, Semen collections and shipments.
Microchipping Guardian Dog.
All veterinarian appointments and bills regarding the pregnancy and puppies.
Care for momma dog from 10 days prior to birth to the weaning of the litter.
Handle all the costs and communication associated with the new puppies in the litter.
Advertising and selling of all puppies .
Providing additional supplements during & after pregnancy.
Spay/Neuter dog at the end of the agreed upon term.
How does it work?
Below is our process for our Female Guardian Homes:
Interested Guardian homes will fill out an application and agreement with The Puppy Lodge
We will inform you when we have a new puppy ready to enter the program.
Once the puppy is of age, she will go home with the guardian family.
Guardian family will inform TPL when she enters her first heat and every heat after that.
TPL will take her to the vet and do the necessary testing to see if she is ready to bear puppies.
When she is getting closer to giving birth, she will come to stay at The Puppy Lodge nursery (10 days prior to her due date). Graber Puppy Lodge will take care of her and her puppies as they come.
The momma dog will return back to the Guardian home once her puppies have been weaned.
Guardian family will let TPL know when the momma dog is in heat again and this process continues until TPL has determined the momma dog is no longer suitable to have puppies or when contracted number of litters have occurred.
Once removed from the program, Breeder will arrange for the momma dog to be spayed (breeders expense) and will transfer ownership of her to the Guardian family.
Below is our process for our Male Guardian Homes:
Interested Guardian homes will fill out an application and agreement with The Puppy Lodge.
We will inform you when we have a puppy ready to enter the program.
Once the puppy is of age, he will go home with the guardian family.
At 11 and 12 months old breeder will be doing semen evaluations
Male dogs can be collected often, its hard to predict how often we will need his service but we are usually able to have at least a 5 day notice.
The stud dog will return back to the Guardian home after breeding or collection has been complete.
Breeder will let guardian home know when the stud dog is needed and this process continues until TPL has determined the stud dog is no longer suitable for breeding.
Once removed from the program, Breeder will arrange for the stud dog to be spayed (breeders expense) and will transfer ownership of his to the Guardian family.